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Our financial articles, newsletters and webinars

CaridaB Group offers financial articles, newsletters and webinars in English and French from the FFM Gestion website.

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Art as a diversification strategy

January 13, 2023

It is our desire to offer a comprehensive wealth management support to our clients, and art is part of it. In this framework, we are pleased to count on the expertise of Marie de Limburg Stirum, art consultant, specializing in old paintings. The latter explains in the second article the importance of art as an alternative financial asset.

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A growing obesity issue and the opportunities it creates

April 6, 2023

How to seize an opportunity or how Novo Nordisk was able to take advantage of the growing market for obesity treatments?


Art as a diversification strategy

January 13, 2023

It is our desire to offer a comprehensive wealth management support to our clients, and art is part of it. In this framework, we are pleased to count on the expertise of Marie de Limburg Stirum, art consultant, specializing in old paintings. The latter explains in the second article the importance of art as an alternative financial asset.

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ESG real estate in Barcelona

January 9, 2023

CaridaB is developing Barcelona through sustainable real estate purchase and renovation projects. The implementation of environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria in real estate has become an essential requirement. It is no longer just a fad, but a reality for the entire sector.

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